OSH Brush Up

Are you an Occupational Health and Safety representative?

If it’s been a while since you completed your course, it might be beneficial to complete a OSH Brush Up course.

What to gain:

New knowledge about the health & safety work. You get the latest regulations in the field and the possibility to exchange experiences with other Occupational Health and Safety representatives about health & safety work.

The goal is:

To refresh your knowledge and inspire you to move forward with your work as a OSH representative. We talk about ergonomics, accident prevention and mental work environment.
The working environment group’s problem-solving model, which you can use to solve a working environment task at your company or institution.


The teaching alternates between academic presentations and practical tasks that you have to work on.

Other courses

OHS Coordinator

Gain a thorough understanding of relevant regulations, procedures, decision-making processes, communication channels, and communication methods, as well as business processes in the construction industry.

Strategic management

The working environment should be a part of all management work.
Whether you are part of the occupational health and safety organization or not, you have a responsibility in the working environment at your workplace, if you are a manager.

Conflict management

As a Health & Safety representative, you will often find yourself in situations where you need to communicate clearly in conflicts.
This course will strengthen your communication as a Health & Safety representative or manager.

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