Authorized provider

Occupational Health & Safety

OSH Courses

What will you learn?

The occupational health & safety course teaches participants the requirements and demands that are placed upon them as health and safety representatives and supervisors. Participants must achieve a broad knowledge of the health and safety issues, so teaching should address methods, planning and implementation of preventive health and safety work in the company.

In addition to the above topics, participants also carry out a practical assignment at the company in which they are employed.

Who should attend?

The employer has to ensure that the health and safety representatives and supervisors participate in a mandatory safety course.

Working environment representatives and supervisors have the right and obligation to participate in the mandatory health and safety training.

Employers and managers, e.g. a CEO, is not obligated to participate in the health and safety course.

What is the time frame for the course

The mandatory safety training lasts three days or the equivalent of 22 hours. Included in the 22 hours are shorter breaks. The time used to complete the practical assignment comes in addition to the 22 hours devoted to training.

Time frame for the online E-learning course:
When taking the OSH training online as virtual training, you have to complete the course in seven weeks.
From the time you receive your login, you can, at your own pace, complete the training within 7 weeks.

When should the training be conducted?

The mandatory work program must be completed within three months after the health and safety representatives and supervisors are elected or appointed, and not from the time when they take office.

How do I get my course certificate?

To pass the course you must be present at the introduction day. On this day, we agree on how to work with the practical assignment, which is part of the course. The purpose of the assignment is to link the course content with your work in work organization. The assignment must be based on a practical situation in your company, such as: an APV, a problem with the heavy lifting, noise in offices, chemistry or similar. You will get your course certificate when the task is submitted, and validated by the teacher.

3 days OSH Course

The Mandatory Health and Safety Education Course is a must for every workplace. By providing your employees with the knowledge and skills they need to identify and manage potential hazards, you can create a safe and healthy workplace environment that benefits everyone.

The course lasts three days and is given in English with a certified OSH-teacher.

Online OSH course

When you take the Health and Safety training online, the teaching will be conducted as blended learning.
Via 10 online modules in our online learning system (LMS), you will be taught how to solve problems as the safety representative or supervisors. Throughout the modules, you will be asked to solve various multiple-choice questions and give examples from the workplace.


The course can be taken online without attendance, where you get access to our online learning system, TalentLMS, and have close contact with the teacher throughout the course.
You must complete 10 modules, including two practical assignments with which the course ends.
The course is scheduled for 22 hours and must be taken within 3-7 weeks.

Company course

The course can be arranged at your workplace. It offers some obvious benefits, as we can target the courses to your needs. The teaching is based on the values ​​and goals your company has. A company course is easy, flexible and adapted to your needs. Up to 20 people can participate – on online courses max. 16 people.